BBC Choral Vespers: St Cuthbert’s Seminary Ushaw 1963 (Laurence Hollis)

Описание к видео BBC Choral Vespers: St Cuthbert’s Seminary Ushaw 1963 (Laurence Hollis)

Live BBC radio broadcast from the chapel of St Cuthbert’s Roman Catholic Seminary, Ushaw, Co. Durham, 17 July 1963. The chapel choir of St Cuthbert’s Seminary, directed by Fr Laurence Hollis. Organist: Anthony Myers.

Introduction by Fr Hugh Berryman
Deus in adjutorium: Gloria Patri
Psalms: 109-112, 131
Little Chapter (Ecclesiasticus 44)
Hymn: Iste confessor Domini
Benedicamus Domino
Recessional Hymn: Mother of England


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