【Travel Chinese】阿信的花莲绿色旅游 - Axin's Hualien Green Tourism - Āxìn de Huālián lǜsè lǚyóu

Описание к видео 【Travel Chinese】阿信的花莲绿色旅游 - Axin's Hualien Green Tourism - Āxìn de Huālián lǜsè lǚyóu

【Travel Chinese】阿信的花莲绿色旅游 - Axin's Hualien Green Tourism - Āxìn de Huālián lǜsè lǚyóu: Welcome to the Travel Chinese (旅游中文) lesson in our Daily Chinese Listening Practice Series!

In this lesson, Axin shares his eco-friendly journey to Hualien on Instagram, emphasizing low-carbon transportation, packing reusable items, and participating in environmental activities like ocean garbage picking to promote sustainability. His posts highlight the importance of responsible tourism and supporting local initiatives for a greener future.

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#travelchinese #greentourism #hualien #axin #lowcarbontravel #sustainability #reusableitems #environmentalactivities #oceangarbagepicking #responsibletourism #supportlocal #ecofriendlytravel #chineselessons #dailychineselistening #chineselanguage #旅游中文 #绿色旅游 #花莲 #环保旅游


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