Tiny House Regrets - The Top Five Mistakes I Made in My Home

Описание к видео Tiny House Regrets - The Top Five Mistakes I Made in My Home

Tiny house regrets...I have a few. My tiny house build is not perfect. I don't think that any are. I want to highlight my tiny house issues so that you can avoid the tiny house mistakes that I made. None of these are supercritical. My roof doesn't leak. I love the house. That said, there are a few tiny house design aspects that I wish I had tackled a bit differently when I first conceived the various aspects of my house. Learn from my tiny house fails. Maybe some of these bother me more than they do you...still good either way to keep in mind as you embark on your tiny house journey.

00:00 Intro
00:54 Power Service
02:33 Water
03:19 Seasonality
04:22 Cooking
05:23 Comfort
06:11 Bonus Issue! Sink...

Lemon concept was created with the help of my daughter Mia. His name is 'Bob' (Pronounced in a thick Australian accent...YBS)

Electrical panel I like to use: https://amzn.to/3uaxgbj
Loveseat in my place: https://amzn.to/37u8adJ

I'm a tiny house author and a tiny house builder who has been involved in the tiny house movement for some time now. When I first started building my house back in 2013, information was harder to come by and so now I want to provide those just starting their tiny house journey with relevant information to get them empowered and started down their own path to a more minimalist lifestyle.

I welcome you to check out my Youtube channel and subscribe for other relevant tiny house content including a full tutorial of how to build your own tiny house. Please also share, like, and comment as you see fit. I make every effort I can to respond to comments and if you have specific questions or just want to say hi, please do so.

MY BOOKS are available via the following links:
The Joy of Tiny House Living: https://amzn.to/2R41V7N
Building Your Tiny House Dream: https://amzn.to/2R6ksQL
(all affiliate links above)



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