A Game of Balance and Touch

Описание к видео A Game of Balance and Touch

I found a video from a French company that makes all kinds of wooden games from years gone by. I'll add a link below. This one in particular caught my eye as something that looked like a lot of fun that I could make. I made a few mistakes along the way...but, I learned a lot and in the end the game turned out pretty good and is really fun to play. As far as I can tell the rules are pretty straightforward...you roll a dice and then place one of three different weighted wooden pieces on the disc in the appropriate circle. First one to make a piece fall off the disc is the loser. There is more strategy to the game than you might think...kind of like Jenga...the key is ti take chances in setting up your pieces in a way that makes it more difficult for your opponents to set up theirs. At any rate...we are having a blast playing it.

I made the disc and bottom of the board from 1/4" plywood that I purchased, but the rest of the game is really just made from scraps of wood from the scrap bin. I hope you enjoy it...



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