A Picture Every Day for 10 Years

Описание к видео A Picture Every Day for 10 Years

Here it is. 10 years in 2 minutes.

This has been a long time coming. So much has happened. How many easter eggs can you spot?

How old were you?
This project documents ages 19-29. Starts on my first day of college, ends with a family reunion.

Is it really every day?
Plus or minus a month or two over the decade. There were days when a photo wasn't possible, and a few instances of small groups of files disappearing.

What's the music?
I composed it. The end is an homage to the song I wrote for my 4-year video.

How did you do it?
Every picture was taken with Photo Booth on various MacBooks and put together using iMovie HD, then iMovie, and then Final Cut Pro (when iMovie could no longer handle the thousands of images).

Are you still shooting?
No. The project became too unwieldy to casually maintain, and numerous platform changes over the years have caused many headaches. Plus it forces me to bring my computer on every trip I take, which is increasingly inconvenient. I am aware of the Everyday iOS app, but I'm ready to say goodbye to this project.

What's with the weird makeup?
Early on in the video, the makeup is from when I worked in a haunted house. So much fun! I also act as a hobby, so any other makeup is probably from some show I was doing.

Something something hair loss?
Yup. A parting gift from my maternal grandpa. It's not important to me or my wife, but for some reason the internet seems to care deeply. Saves money on shampoo and haircuts.

Thanks for watching!


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