My Three Hail Mary’s Devotion | Rosary Testimony

Описание к видео My Three Hail Mary’s Devotion | Rosary Testimony

Very often we ask those who have a reputation of holiness, those who are close to our Blessed Lord, to pray for us. Who could have ever been closer to our Lord than the one who had Him who made the stars in her womb? The one who raised for thirty years Him who would be raised up on the cross for our sins? What Christian do you know could ever be holier than Her? Why would you not ask Her for your prayers who knelt at the foot of the cross of Her own Son? The devil will be crushed by our Blessed Mother, like a wolf destroyed by the rage of a Mama Bear when her Cubs are threatened. She will put you under Her blue mantle of protection and lead you to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Her Son. No other Catholic was closer to God than the one who is the Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Ghost. To Jesus through Mary! The rosary is a powerful weapon. I highly encourage it along with the three Hail Mary devotions every day and night!

If this testimony has inspired you and if you have read this far, please pray a Hail Mary for me that I may persevere to the end and reach the Heavenly glory of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord. Literally nothing else matters in the end outside of the salvation of souls. Pax Christi my friends!


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