Up Your Game (running): Unresponsive and not breathing

Описание к видео Up Your Game (running): Unresponsive and not breathing

In this video Usha helps Ben when he collapses while they’re out on a run.

Would you know what to do?


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How to help someone who is unresponsive and not breathing:

The person has collapsed and does not respond or move when you call their name or gently shake their shoulders.

Step 1:

Check if they are breathing: tilt the person’s head backwards to look and feel for breaths. If you do not see their chest or stomach moving, hear or feel breaths, they are not breathing.

Step 2:

Call 999 immediately or get someone else to do it: as soon as you call 999, you will have someone to support you in this situation and help will be on the way.

Step 3:

Give chest compressions and ask someone to get an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Step 4:

Open the AED and follow all its voice prompts: an AED is a machine that can be used to shock a heart back into normal rhythm. Once opened the machine will give you full instructions on what you need to do. Just listen and do what it says. This may include continuing with chest compressions.

More resources:

For more free first aid training online, visit https://www.redcross.org.uk/first-aid....
For accredited first aid at work training online, visit Red Cross Training first aid courses https://www.redcrossfirstaidtraining.....
Teach children how to help someone who is unresponsive and not breathing with First Aid Champions https://firstaidchampions.redcross.or....

Now test your knowledge with our unresponsive not breathing (AED available) quiz in the free first aid app https://brcfaapp.page.link/Unresponsi....

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