Training (2006) - English

Описание к видео Training (2006) - English

A step by step three month training method with an emphasis on showing the training in a clear and professional manner so that the viewer can learn efficiently and enjoy the process. This training method is built on decades of experience and knowledge that Benni Líndal and others have developed.

The natural needs of the horse are of primary concern and the trainer works from the horse´s perspective so that the horse will be both accepting and content to learn.

The training method is relatively simple and one step leads to the next in a clear and comprehensive way. The horse understands and agrees to the work that is presented to it and the results are both spontaneous and efficient.

By using this method one can avoid fighting the horse. Problems, which are often cause by misunderstandings between the trainer and the horse can be avoided. Trust is established and a permanent foundation built for continuous training.

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