The Making of "Visionary"- an intuitive painting

Описание к видео The Making of "Visionary"- an intuitive painting

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I received a vision of a woman with left eye (Right brain) as the Earth globe and the other covered by her bangs. I held this vision for a week before starting to paint. I wasn't sure how I would translate this vision on canvas, but decided before starting that I would focus on the face so that the eye would be 3 inches in diameter.

Witness the co-creative process behind this painting - from sacred intention & rituals to the 15 paint, texture & energy layers that make up its final offering. It's an invitation to envision the world we are shaping with our very thoughts, feelings & vibration.

The full blog post -

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Music: "Breathing Light" by Christopher Lloyd Clarke

Connect to your True Self! For more energy-infused art, including intuitive visionary paintings - as well as intuitive services like custom meditations, Divine Storytelling Time intuitive reading packages and Soul Energy Portraits, visit my website at
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