The Biggest Black Hole vs Our Solar System: Size Comparison (2024)

Описание к видео The Biggest Black Hole vs Our Solar System: Size Comparison (2024)

🌟 Size Comparison between the Largest Black Hole ever discovered (Phoenix A*) and some members of our Solar System.

📖 The models, as suggested by the paper, are indicative of a central black hole with estimated mass on the order of 100 billion M☉, possibly even exceeding this mass. So, by doing some calculations, Phoenix A*:
⚙ 24,100 times the mass of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way (Sagittarius A*).
⚙ Twice the mass of the Triangulum Galaxy, including its dark matter halo.
⚙ An immense event horizon with the Schwarzschild diameter of nearly 590 billion kilometres (≈ 3,900 AU, 100 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto!).
⚙ A circumference that would take 71 days and 14 hours to travel at light speed.

Such a high mass may place it into a proposed category of stupendously large black holes, black holes that may have been seeded by primordial black holes with masses that may reach 100 billion M☉ or more, larger than the upper maximum limit for at least luminous accreting black holes hosted by disc galaxies of about 50 billion M☉. For example, the previous leader, TON 618, is only 66 billion M☉ (389.3 billion km in diameter)

🎶 Music in the video: Kerosene

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