What killed the Blackberry

Описание к видео What killed the Blackberry

The fall of Blackberry. Where did we go wrong?

In retrospect, I suspect RIM (Blackberry) was already doomed even before its heyday.
The entrance of Apple and Google changed the game, and RIM could not adapt fast enough.

00:00 In brief
00:26 1993 Start first modem module
01:25 1995 Start first integrated messaging device
02:18 1997 Start what would become blackberry
02:50 1998 Blackberry!
03:43 Blackberry System diagram
05:59 1999 Getting into GPRS and phones
07:33 Want to be like a big telecom
08:16 Parachute in the Motoroala managers
09:20 2006 Apple and Google working on it
12:25 What made blackberry great no longer mattered
14:22 Apple and Google changed the game
15:19 RIM falls behind
16:19 Where did we go wrong
17:00 CEO distractions
18:11 What should have been done but couldn't be done
22:24 Some of my favourite Blackberry deivces


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