How Does VCI Work? Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors Explained

Описание к видео How Does VCI Work? Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors Explained

This video by Cortec® Corporation explains how Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) technology works. Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors protect metal from corrosion without being in direct contact with the metal surface.
VCI works by sublimating, or vaporizing, from the packaging material and saturating or filling the packaged atmosphere. Once the atmosphere is saturated, VCI molecules bind, or adsorb, onto the metal surface. This action forms a thin, mono-molecular layer that prevents corrosion from occurring.

Cortec® has been developing corrosion prevention products for over 30 years, with focus on safety to the environment and the user (eliminating nitrites and other toxics).

Cortec® has a variety of products to avoid rust in all metals. From VCI paper, to films and chemicals, this technology is very popular for use during shipments or long term preservation.

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