Hell 7 - Hades Prison of Darkness 3 - Dec 5 2020

Описание к видео Hell 7 - Hades Prison of Darkness 3 - Dec 5 2020


In previous "hell" teachings we looked extensively at Gehenna which was the place where "the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched." We saw that Gehenna "hell" actually has nothing to do with spiritual afterlife nor eternal torment. In this teaching series we will look at Hades/Sheol which is the place where spirits of the dead would go. We will see that Hades is a prison of darkness and Jesus has stripped Satan of authority and taken away the keys of death & Hades. We will see that Jesus was prophesied to release all the prisoners and to save all mankind. We will be set free from the wrong doctrine of eternal punishment & fire. Amen!

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