Men's Shamballah Necklace with Gemstones and Leather - Jewelry Tutorial

Описание к видео Men's Shamballah Necklace with Gemstones and Leather - Jewelry Tutorial

Men's Shamballah Necklace with Gemstones and Leather - Buy Materials:

Make a Matching Shamballa Bracelet:

As I explain in the video, these are the quantities of cord and leather for the Men's Necklace in the tutorial. A short men's necklace is approx 51cm, but with the extending chain you have leeway in that:
2 pieces 3mm leather of 30 CM
1 piece 0.8mm waxed cord of 40cm
2 pieces 1mm waxed cord of 1.20m (this is very generously sized, you probably won' t need that much, but always better to have too much than to have to start over again cause you don' t have enough)
8x gemstone beads of 6mm

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