Debian 10 Linux | Beginners Basics after Install | Run Windows Programs, Change Desktops, and More!

Описание к видео Debian 10 Linux | Beginners Basics after Install | Run Windows Programs, Change Desktops, and More!

Debian 10 Linux Beginners Basics is a Tutorial on How to Install and Run Windows Programs, Change Desktops, Install Codecs, and Assign Sudoers in Debian 10 Buster after you've installed it. Most beginner users coming from Windows will apply these after installing Debian 10 Linux so they have a more familiar and Beginner Friendly experience. This Debian 10 Basics video is intended for Beginner Users starting with Debian 10.

Debian is great and many other distributions are based off of it. Debian is totally free and the community focuses on stability making it one of the most reliable linux distributions out there. Debian is also tailored for intermediate to advanced users and is great for using as a server or firewall setup. Debian mainly covers the middle ground where the barriers of entry are large enough that some newer users will steer away from this distribution, but the vast documentation and helpful community should be a reason that newer users decide to go with Debian. It's great for learning and expanding your knowledge about operating systems.

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Commands Used in Video:

-Super User Privileges
sudo visudo
sudo adduser savvynik sudo

-Installing another desktop environment
sudo apt install gnome

-Installing Wine to Run Windows Programs

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

wget -nc
sudo apt-key add winehq.key

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
(add to list) deb buster main
sudo apt update
sudo apt-key add Release.key

nano /etc/apt/sources.list
(add to list) deb ./
sudo apt update

sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
wine notepad

Install PlayOnLinux
sudo apt install playonlinux

-Install a VLC Multimedia Player
sudo apt get install vlc

-Install Multimedia Codecs

sudo apt-add-repository non-free
sudo apt-add-repository contrib
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libdvdread4 libdvdcss2 (installs dvd playback codecs)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg

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Useful Links:
Debian -
Debian Download -
Balena Etcher -

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