【教學】超詳細! 大氣層離線更新switch系統-自製軟體daybreak使用教學-極客阿迪

Описание к видео 【教學】超詳細! 大氣層離線更新switch系統-自製軟體daybreak使用教學-極客阿迪

很多人不會更新大氣層,其實很簡單。 兩步驟操作,人人都能學會。


Many people don't know how to update the atmosphere, but it's actually very simple. Everyone can learn the two-step operation.
[Step 1] Download the resource from Baidu Cloud on your computer, decompress it, overwrite the file, and put it into the offline package
[Step 2] Turn on the switch and enter daybreak, load the offline package, go all the way to the right, and done!
It's so simple. If you don't know how to learn, you can only take paid private lessons from me.
Welcome to follow Adi and learn more operational knowledge.


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