加拿大安省第一名高爾夫球場 - [穆斯科卡灣高球俱樂部] 球旅紀實 Golf experience @ Muskoka Bay Club, Ontario Canada

Описание к видео 加拿大安省第一名高爾夫球場 - [穆斯科卡灣高球俱樂部] 球旅紀實 Golf experience @ Muskoka Bay Club, Ontario Canada

穆斯科卡離多倫多北面大約2個小時車程, 區內有1,600個湖泊, 是著名的渡假屋旅遊勝地. [穆斯科卡灣高球俱樂部]是該區內最美的球塲, 球道果嶺和自然景觀在設計上融為一體, 它也是加拿大安省最好的球場, 值得推蔫給喜歡高球之旅的朋友們. Muskoka is 2 hours drive north of Toronto, the region is sprinkled with picturesque lakes, marinas, villages, and golf courses, it is refereed to as "Cottage Country", a very popular destination among leisure travelers. [Muskoka Bay Club] is the most scenic golf course in the area, ranked as the best course in Ontario Canada, highly recommended to all golfers.


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