♪♪♪ KillaSkilla - Pixel Party Memories ♪♪♪

Описание к видео ♪♪♪ KillaSkilla - Pixel Party Memories ♪♪♪

Pixel Party Memories, wurde von mir als Remix Veröffentlicht.


*[Verse 1]*
Zurück in die Tage, als alles noch einfach war,
8-bit beats, yeah, we played so hard.
Pac-Man und Tetris, die Welten voll Charme,
Joystick in der Hand, keine Sorge, kein Alarm.

Throwback to the classics, Nintendo and SEGA,
Gathering with friends, all the noise and laughter.
Pixelated dreams, yeah, they brought us together,
We pressed "Start", didn't know it’d last forever (forever... ever... ever...).

Let's go back, back in time (back, back),
To those nights when we felt alive (felt alive).
Pixel Party, dance all night (dance, dance),
8-bit memories in our minds (in our minds).

*[Verse 2]*
Der Raum voller Farben, das Licht so neon,
Keiner will heim, wir spiel'n bis zum Morgengrauen.
Von Street Fighter bis zu Mario Kart,
Jeder Highscore ein Kunstwerk, so smart.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right,
A-B, select, start, we win the fight.
Konami code, yeah, we knew it by heart,
From the living room battles to the pixel art.

Oh, the glow of the screen, reflected in our eyes,
We were young, we were free, lost in those highs.
No worries, no troubles, just digital skies,
8-bit hearts beating in sync, no goodbyes (no goodbyes... no goodbyes...).

Let's go back, back in time (back, back),
To those nights when we felt alive (felt alive).
Pixel Party, dance all night (dance, dance),
8-bit memories in our minds (in our minds).

*[Rap Part]*
Remember the tapes? We rewind, press play,
Game Boy in the backpack, every single day.
Mit Freunden durch die Straßen, kein Ziel, nur Zeit,
Kopf voller Träume, kein Bildschirm zu breit.

We didn't need much, just a screen and a friend,
Die Nächte vergingen, kein Ende in Sicht.
Im Radio lief Synthwave, wir träumten so groß,
8-bit Fantasy, memories never lost (never lost... never lost...).

Let's go back, back in time (back, back),
To those nights when we felt alive (felt alive).
Pixel Party, dance all night (dance, dance),
8-bit memories in our minds (in our minds).

Pixel hearts beating, oh, can you feel?
The magic of youth, it was all so real.
Old games, new friends, it’s all the same thrill,
Let’s press "Start" again, rewind and chill (rewind and chill... chill... chill...).

*[End Chorus]*
Let's go back, back in time (back, back),
To those nights when we felt alive (felt alive).
Pixel Party, dance all night (dance, dance),
8-bit memories in our minds (in our minds... minds... minds...).

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