Is This The Best All-In-One Shrimp Tank On The Market? (Aquael Shrimp Set Review)

Описание к видео Is This The Best All-In-One Shrimp Tank On The Market? (Aquael Shrimp Set Review)

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Is This The Best All-In-One Shrimp Tank On The Market? (Aquael Shrimp Set Review)

Welcome to my review of the AquaEl Shrimp Set 30, a perfect shrimp tank setup for beginners. In this video, I'll share my experiences and thoughts on this tank, which I've been using for over a year now.

First off, let's talk about the design and dimensions. The Shrimp Set 30 features a standard cube design, making it ideal for shrimp keeping. Available with either white or black trim, this tank offers customization options to suit your preferences. With dimensions of 29x29x35 cm and a maximum volume of 30 liters (8 US gallons), it strikes a balance between size and space efficiency.

Each set comes with essential accessories, including a light, heater, and filter, making it ready to use out of the box. However, I'll delve into the performance of these components shortly.

Speaking of quality, the tank is made of glass, providing clarity and durability. While the silicone may not be as refined as higher-end tanks, it does the job effectively. The fitted lid reduces the risk of fish jumping and fits snugly onto the tank.

Now, let's discuss the included accessories. The heater, although pre-set to 25°C (77°F), may struggle to reach and maintain this temperature. I opted to upgrade mine for better temperature control, especially for betta fish.

The included LED light, the AquaEl Leddy Smart Day & Night, offers adequate lighting for low to medium light plants. While its manual operation is straightforward, the lighting sequence may not suit everyone's preferences.

Moving on to the filter, it's functional but lacks surface area for optimal biological filtration, especially for fish tanks. I recommend considering alternative filtration options, such as sponge filters, for better shrimp safety and breeding success.

As for tank setup, I prefer utilizing the Walstad method for natural filtration, which involves heavily planting the tank. This not only enhances water quality but also provides ample grazing space for shrimp.

When it comes to stocking, neocaridina shrimp, particularly red cherry shrimp, are beginner-friendly options. They're easy to care for and breed, making them suitable for this tank setup. However, it's essential to maintain stable water parameters to ensure their well-being.

In terms of maintenance, the tank requires minimal upkeep, depending on your setup. Regular trimming of plants and occasional water changes suffice for a healthy environment.

While the AquaEl Shrimp Set offers convenience and a complete setup, its value for money may vary depending on your location and specific needs. Despite some drawbacks, it remains a viable option for beginners venturing into shrimp keeping or betta fish enthusiasts.


00:00 - Intro
00:07 - My Experiences With These Tanks
00:26 - Unboxing
01:08 - Dimensions And Design
03:15 - Quality And Durability
04:25 - Included Accessories
04:33 - The Heater
05:25 - The Light
06:32 - Plants The Light Can Support
07:04 - Light Upgrades
07:23 - The Filter
08:17 - Filter Alternatives
09:06 - Stock Filter Add-Ons
09:24 - Filter Sound Levels
09:43 - Suggested Beginner Setup
11:05 - Types Of Shrimp To Keep
13:32 - Stocking Your Tank
14:15 - Value For Money

3 Photographs by DirkBlankenhaus' Wikipeadia account shared via CC BY 4.0 -

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