The Obstacles to My Journey to Allah ﷻ: Tongue - Part 1

Описание к видео The Obstacles to My Journey to Allah ﷻ: Tongue - Part 1

Allah ﷻ says: “Not a word does one utter, except that there is an (angel) watching, ready to record it.” (Surah Qaaf: 18)

Among the many blessings bestowed upon us by the Almighty is the blessing of speech. With it, we possess the ability to communicate with one another. However, our tongue can also be a major obstacle on our journey to Allah ﷻ, as the way we speak and what we say, can sometimes hurt others and take away their rights.

It is upon every one of us to ensure that every word that comes from us, spoken or written, brings about goodness. As people of faith, we must enjoin that which promotes goodness, peace, and happiness.

Join us in this week’s Tuesday Night Program with Dr. Sh. Haifaa Younis, to learn how we can guard our tongue and improve our connection with Allah ﷻ

TNP time: 6.30 pm PST.
Compare your time zone HERE:
The program will be in-person at the Rahma Center and live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages.


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