The Lady of Satis House – 2012

Описание к видео The Lady of Satis House – 2012

Introduction Scene/Variation 1 Miss Havisham bemoans her fate and resolves to take revenge Scene/Variation 2 Young Pip comes to play with Estella and is mocked by her for being common Scene/Variation 3 Miss Havisham is visited by her avaricious relations, the Pockets Scene/Variation 4 Pip is apprenticed to the Blacksmith Scene/Variation 5 Pip comes to Satis House hoping to see Estella but she is away on the continent Scene/Variation 6 Pip is to be a gentleman and believes Miss Havisham to be his secret patron Scene/Variation 7 Miss Havisham instructs Pip on how to love Estella Scene/Variation 8 Miss Havisham fears that Estella now behaves coldly even towards her Interlude/Theme Scene/Variation 9 and Finale Pip discovers who his benefactor is. Miss Havisham expresses regret

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Music and Words – Jacques Cohen adapted from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

Company Credits
Director - Joe Austin
Assistant Director - Christopher Emms
Projection - Richard Install

Cast Credits
Miss Havisham - Marie Vassiliou
Instrumentalists - Piatti Quartet
Violins - Charlotte Scott & Michael Trainor
Viola - David Wigram
Cello - Jessie Ann Richardson

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