Finding Your Reading Level and the Level of Your Challenging Books

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Do you know your reading level? Do you know the reading level of your challenging books?
grade level chart:


Challenging book list with Lexile level: (I put the high level)
Don Quixote - 1480 (there is a 1500 edition, just found as I'm uploading)
Bleak House - 1180
Moby Dick - 1230
To the Lighthouse - 1030
Finnegan's Wake - (couldn't find. If you have the book, try the text analyzer)
Anna Karenina - 1080
War and Peace - 1240
Les Miserables - 1010
Ulysses - 1050
Infinite Jest - 1450 based on research, but it's more inconvenient than hard
House of Leaves - couldn't find, but it's written uniquely, but not challenging
The Brother's Karamazov - 1150
Crime and Punishment - 990
Cantebury Tales - couldn't find on lexile, websearch said 800
Great Expectations - 1230
The Divine Comedy - 1270
The Sound and the Fury - 1420
Swann's Way - couldn't find, if you have the book, try text analyzer
Gravity's Rainbow - couldn't find, but read the content is vulgar. If you have the book try text analyzer.
The Silmarillion, not technically a story, but lexile might be 1150

From the charts and the research, only three (possibly four) of these books might be early college level.
There are overlaps in the charts.


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