Neighborhood Ride part 1 April 26, 2024.

Описание к видео Neighborhood Ride part 1 April 26, 2024.

This is part 1 of 4 short videos I never finished editing until now. Lost the sd card that had this on it. Found when cleaning up. I have not made another video since June 3, 2024 because I have been in Hospital for a week and in PT now. Severe Sciatica attack that left me unable to even move without severe pain. In recovery. I will get back out riding though. In mean time I will post the videos I did finish but not uploaded for you so there is something new to watch and see. This one I discuss ask what you might think about the new e bike laws and proposals along with other things. Hope you like the videos. The other parts will be uploaded as I edit them . Thank You. Please subscribe if you like. This is a free non monitized channel I do not make anything from my videos. I just like to share and chat a bit. Peace.


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