Another Future Front for Israel? The Growing Iranian Influence in Africa

Описание к видео Another Future Front for Israel? The Growing Iranian Influence in Africa

While Israel’s attention is focused on Iran’s proxies in the Middle East (the most recent example being Israel’s aerial attack on the Houthis in Yemen in response to the Tel Aviv drone attack), it seems that Tehran has been expanding its activities in Africa and increasing the threat to Israeli interests on the continent. In a new INSS insight titled “Iran in the Continent of Africa,” Danny Citrinowicz, a research fellow in the Iran Program at INSS, elaborates on the threats to Israel’s fundamental political, security, and economic interests in this region. In this program, Adi Kantor, an INSS researcher, sits down with Citrinowicz to discuss Iran’s fundamental interests in Africa. What is new in relation to Iranian activity in Africa in recent years? Why is Sudan a significant Iranian destination for the transfer of military equipment, and what does it indicate about Iranian intentions in the future? Is the election of a new president in Iran supposed to change Iranian policy? What should Israel do to prevent the growing Iranian influence in Africa?


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