Fall Season Flowering Plants | All season perennials | Best Perennials For Summer To Fall blooming

Описание к видео Fall Season Flowering Plants | All season perennials | Best Perennials For Summer To Fall blooming

Thank you for joining House Talks today. We know that Spring to Summer season is the best time for bright and beautiful blooms in home garden.
When summer season is about to end , plan with fall season flowering plants that spice up the garden till the frost. Here in this episode , we explore top 12 plants that blooms beautiful flowers till the frost. This episode will cover long blooming perennials and drought tolerance perennials that beats heat summer and continue to bloom
till the frost.

1.Asters (Daisy) , Vibrant Dome (New England Aster)
2.Crystal Peak White Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)
3.Black-Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia (American Gold Rush)
4.Mexican Heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia) - Tidy - Compact Shrub
5.Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) , Herbaceous perennial
6.Sedum Autumn Joy - StoneCrop
7.Japanese Anemone (Perennial, Anemone hupehensis)
8.Tall Verbena ( Verbena bonariensis )
10.Snapdragon (Botanical Name : Antirrhinum majus) Plant Type: Annual
11.Calamintha Nepeta:
12.Common Sneezeweed - Helenium Autumnale


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