Solfege Ear Training (Quiz: Test Your Ear & Voice)

Описание к видео Solfege Ear Training (Quiz: Test Your Ear & Voice)

Alternate Version (same key/same tempo/different answers):    • Ear Training:  Solfege / Interval Qui...  

Slower Version (with mixed up answers):    • Slower Solfege Ear Training Quiz in C...  

Chromatic:    • Chromatic Intervals Quiz : Ear Traini...  

Ear Training Quiz Playlist:


There are over 50 questions to answer in this 10 minute ear training quiz.

Each time the scale plays through quickly and then you hear Do (C in this case...) then it's Do to ... ??? ... you hear the note and then you should try to sing the correct answer (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, or Ti) before it appears (and the note is played again.)

You could also try finding the correct note on your instrument (before the answer is shown.)

The whole thing is in the key of C, I wanted to keep it simple for this one. I may try something similar in the future but moving from key to key.

Another idea I have is to reverse the process - instead of having the note come up and you try to figure out what it is ... I tell you what it is and then you sing it and then the note is there to check. That will probably be the next one.

As always if you have any suggestions leave 'em in the comments.

If you're looking for a good microphone (for recording voice or instruments) check out the mics I use myself over on my Amazon page (full disclosure: I earn commissions on any sales! but it doesn't change the price of the product for you at all.) Check it out:


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