Nest Recording and Ringing Barn Owlets on the Farm

Описание к видео Nest Recording and Ringing Barn Owlets on the Farm

Watch and learn as Tim Fox from the Sussex Barn Owl Study group came to check our barn owl boxes on our small farm and found two healthy 7 week old barn owlets.

Firstly, the hole of the box has to stealthily blocked using a long pole. Using a ladder the two owlets were carefully put into individual cloth bags. At this age the adult birds keep their distance, as the owlets would pester them for food, but stay close by.

Each owlets gender, age, wing length and weight are recorded and identification rings applied to their legs. The first owlets were about 7 weeks old and covered in white fluff. The male weighed 450g

Apparently owls keep their partners for life and tend to return to their same nesting box.


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