Vlogmas Day 11: The final Year of the Ear Swap.

Описание к видео Vlogmas Day 11: The final Year of the Ear Swap.

Hello! Thank you so much for watching!!! Thank you to Traveling with the SisketEars. I have loved being in this swap it has been such a blast.

Want to connect? Here's my Instagram:

Traveling with the SisketEars

   / thesisketears  

Participating Channels
CinderAli Loves Disney

   / @cinderalilovesdisney  

Coco for Disney

   / @coco4disney  

Creatively Sandra

   / @creatively_sandra  

Dream It DIY
   / @dreamitdiy  

Earisistable Magic

   / @earresistablemagic  

Erika DeOcampo

   / @erikadeocampo  

Finding Magic

   / @wefindmagic  

Hall Family Adventures

   / @thehallfamilyadventures  

I Spy with My Little Eye

   / @ispywithmylittleeye  

Jake’s Disney Afternoon

   / @jakesdisneyafternoon  

Life Joyfully Dunn

   / @lifejoyfullydunn  

Louisa Ruby

   / @louisarubyddd  

Magic Wishing Starr

   / @magicwishingstarr  

Magical Becky Me

   / @magicalbeckyme  

Meglet is a Geek

   / @megletisageek  

Melick Adventures

   / @melickadventures  

Melodie Phoenix

   / @melodiephoenix  

Once Upon a Wander

   / @onceuponawander  

Pin the World

   / @pin_the_world  

Serena’s Sparkly Diary

   / @serenassparklydiary  

Seth Lavender

   / @sethlavender  

The Adorkables

   / @theadorkables2599  

Thrifty Nerdy Mom

   / @thriftynerdymom  

Villains and Vice

   / @villainsandvice  


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