Mold Toxicity - Symptoms, testing, and more

Описание к видео Mold Toxicity - Symptoms, testing, and more

Before diving into the symptoms of mold toxicity, it is important to point out a few things for clarity. Yeast (sometimes referred to as Candida) is a type of mold that can inhabit the sinus cavities, the mouth, the GI tract, the lungs, skin, and other tissues of the body. An overgrowth of this type of yeast has been linked to human disease. That being said, there are other species of mold that can grown on and in humans that also contribute to disease.

There are also forms of environmental molds that can grow on foods and in the home. These molds can produce toxin byproducts often times referred to as mycotoxins. Mycotoxins have been linked to a number of health conditions to include immune suppression and cancer.

When thinking about mold toxicity, keep in mind that some people are allergic to mold, some have internal mold (yeast) infections that create symptoms, some have high levels of mold growing in their homes, and some people react to the mycotoxins…sometimes all four. So for clarity’s sake, the symptoms of mold toxicity can be related to all four.

Join us on the next LIVE episode of Pick Dr. Osborne's Brain to learn his 7 favorite tips for conquering mold toxicity!

00:00 - intro and overview
02:49 - how do know if you have a mold problem?
18:55 - symptoms of mold toxicity
26:26 - mold growing in the nail beds
28:05 - chronic mold & mycotoxin exposure
36:50 - Q&A


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