NEW Citadel Texture Paints Review 2 - Astrogranite Debris, Agrellan Badland, Valhallan Blizzard

Описание к видео NEW Citadel Texture Paints Review 2 - Astrogranite Debris, Agrellan Badland, Valhallan Blizzard

Buy these textures here at 15.2-17.3% off:

My second review video of the new Citadel Texture paints, this video contains some HD close ups of Astrogranite Debris, Valhallan Blizzard and Agrellan Badland. I also made up 5 of the original technicals/textures as a comparison to the newer ones.

I recommend them all! If you buy them through Element Games and use the code IAN988 we will both get some store credit. Cheers!

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