ACNE Treatments | Explained by Dermatologist

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  / drdavinlim  
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How to treat acne, what to do before seeing a dermatologist?
Acne is a part of life; however, most patients would grow out of this condition in their early 20s.  If you have persistent acne, you may need to see your dermatologist for treatment.  Here are some helpful hints to try before seeing a dermatologist.
1.  Cleanses.  Use a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type.  If you have dry sensitive skin with acne and blackheads, consider using a simple cleanser such as Cetaphil.  If you can tolerate exfoliants, try salicylic acid 2% in a cleanser.  Additionally, vitamin A products can help.  Other topicals to consider include alpha hydroxy acids.
Product recommendations include
1.  Cetaphil cleanser.
2.  Neutrogena scrub salicylic acid 2%.
3.  Vitamin A products including the ordinary, Environ and Aspect Dr.
2.  Makeup.  It is important that you let your skin breathe for at least 18 hours of the day.  Ideally, if you can go without makeup for one to two days especially over the weekends, this will help your skin breathe and unclog pores.  As always if you are choosing a makeup, look for the words non-comedogenic.  Additionally, makeup such as mineral makeup should be used instead of oil-based foundations.
3.  Diet and supplements.  It is well known that diet can modulate acne.  As a guide, stick with foods which have a low glycaemic index.  Choose unrefined foods over refined foods.  Try to eliminate sugars and also dairy.  There are numerous supplements that have been reported to help with acne; however, the most consistent and recognised is that of zinc.  You can find zinc sulfate at your health food shop.  Try a double dose of zinc every day coupled with an acne-free diet and you should see some response in the majority of patients.
4.  Microdermabrasion.  Microdermabrasion will work for certain forms of acne including blackheads, whiteheads and skin congestion.  Microdermabrasion will not work well for some forms of acne including cystic acne as well as adult female jawline hormonal acne.  I personally prefer hydrafacial as this is a gentle exfoliator which can be customised to the patient.  Hydrafacial can have a profound effect on congested skin as it removes dead skin cells and also can infuse the skin with various actives if needed.
5.  Light therapy.  Have you ever noticed that acne improves when you go to the beach?  This is because light activates chemicals which are secreted by bacteria-causing acne.  This in turn causes a chemical reaction which cures the bacteria.  The wavelengths of light which help kill bacteria include blue light at around 430 nm as well as red light at around 620 nm to 630 nm.  Sensible sunlight in patients with type 3 skin can help decrease bacterial counts; however, a more precise methodology is to use medically prescribed wavelengths.  I prefer the use of Healite or Omnilux blue.  Ideally, when one sees a dermatologist, we like to combine light with prescribed topical vitamin A.
If the above does not work help, consult a medical derrmatologist as soon as possible.  Early treatment of acne will help reduce or prevent acne scars.

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Dr Davin S. Lim
Laser and Procedural Dermatologist
Brisbane. Australia
Cutis Clinic

BONUS: When to consider seeing a dermatologist for acne treatment?

1. IF your acne is scarring
2. IF OTC treatments do not work
3. IF you have cystic acne

Disclaimer: I am a procedural and laser dermatologist and hence I DO NOT manage acne medically. I do however work with colleagues who are MEDICAL dermatologists and will take
the initiative to refer you accordingly if I deem that medical treatment is in your best interest.


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