लोग क्या कहेंगे - परवाह करना छोड़ दें 🤔 | How To Avoid the Society Trap? | MoneyVideo#28

Описание к видео लोग क्या कहेंगे - परवाह करना छोड़ दें 🤔 | How To Avoid the Society Trap? | MoneyVideo#28

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Money Tips #8 | Society Sucks Your Money From Your Pocket | Escape the Society Trap |
Society Is Not Your Friend | Sabse Bada Rog Kya Kahenge Log | Money Tips| Zorba The Zen

In This Video Zorba The Zen is describing about the Issue of the society faced by the people about their Financial problems. he explains how Society Sucks Your Money From Your Pocket & Way to Escape the Society Trap | Stop Worrying What Others Think

About The Speaker
"Puneet Jindal is an exceptional Business Coach & Motivational Speaker . He has inspired and trained more than 1 Million people across the globe. Since 2004, He has presented over 600 motivational keynote addresses, sales workshops and personal growth seminars . As a corporate trainer he has worked with more then 200 MNCs such as ABN Amro Bank, Barclays Bank, Vodafone, Future Group, HDFC Bank, HSBC, Airtel, ICICI Bank, Mahindra, Lenovo, Codec ,IBM, Microsoft, etc."

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Feel free to contact on 8882324013.


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