Come Suffer Little Children. Coal mine Disaster in 1838 which killed 29 children .

Описание к видео Come Suffer Little Children. Coal mine Disaster in 1838 which killed 29 children .

Walking Industrial History. A hail storm over Lancashire and Yorkshire just 6 days after Queen Victoria's coronation. The resulting floods resulted in 26 boys and girls aged between 7 and 17 being drowned whilst escaping the Moorend colliery Husker drift. Meanwhile at Clapgate Colliery, Norden near Rochdale ,three other children shared the same fate.

The story of the Husker children became widely known and resulted in a public outcry which in turn lead to the Shaftsbury report. The resulting legislation outlawed Women and girls from working underground and the minimum age of boys was raised to 10. However the story of the three boys from Norden was never told it wasn't even properly reported on in the local press. No memorial exists for them and they have been entirely written out of history.

In this Video we take a close look at the events surrounding their tragic deaths and try to understand why their story was never told. This Video is dedicated to their memory; Abraham Grindrod aged 10. Abraham (John) Shepherd aged 11 and Samuel Dearden aged 9. Died July 4th 1838.


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