Episode #85: When should you do iR compensation, during or after the experiment?

Описание к видео Episode #85: When should you do iR compensation, during or after the experiment?

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This is a Livestream Q&A/Ask Us Anything for answering YOUR questions on YouTube. In this Q&A session we will answer your electrochemistry research questions LIVE, as well as any other questions related personal topics like careers, academia, industry, or life in general.

We have compiled a database of all questions asked in our Ask Us Anything About Electrochemistry Livestreams, tagged by the question subject and linked with time stamps to the place in that week's Livestream. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this database (MS Excel file), please reach out via comments here or directly to us at pinewire@pineresearch.com.

Check out https://aftermathlive.com, Pine Research's online electrochemical simulation software! Perfect for the classroom or research lab, licenses are available for simulating CV and bulk electrolysis of a variety of chemical and electrochemical reactions. Accessible on both PC and Mac!

Time stamps:
00:00 - Introduction
05:59 - Livestream starts
06:50 - Should you do iR compensation during or after the experiment? What is the difference?
24:00 - What is the insulating layer on a screen printed electrode (SPE), and what happens if you don't have one?
28:39 - Which analog filters should we use for cyclic voltammetry (CV)?
39:32 - How does ZIR or automatic Ru methods work in the potentiostat to determine uncompensated resistance?
47:45 - Is it possible to construct an equivalent circuit numerically based on Nyquist plot data?
55:00 - Can you recommend a playlist for understand core concepts related to supercapacitors, key performance metrics, and electrochemical testing?
59:15 - Can you show how to draw a basic equivalent circuit for a PEM electrolyzer?
1:09:29 - Where is time represented on a galvanostatic charge/discharge (GCD) curve?
1:22:10 - How do you understand Mott-Schottky plots? How do you know from the plot whether the semiconductor is n-type or p-type?
1:34:04 - Can we correlate the flat band potential of a semiconductor to the potential of zero net charge for metals?
1:43:00 - Is there any means to get a personalized portable potentiostat to use with screen printed electrode (SPE) biosensors?
1:46:54 - What kind of cyclic voltammetry (CV) sweep parameters are needed for a system where oxidation is continuously occurring?
1:49:31 - How can you use simulation software to calculate the electron transfer rate coefficient, k0?
1:56:30 - Can you tell me about inductance in impedance (EIS), and how it is plotted?
1:59:37 - How should I go about performing bulk electrolysis? Should I stir the solution or not? Why do I need to separate the working and reference electrodes from the counter electrode?


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