7 Signs You Are Channeling (Without Even Knowing It!)

Описание к видео 7 Signs You Are Channeling (Without Even Knowing It!)

Are you already Channeling? Channeling sounds mystical and esoteric. But many people have opened to channel without even realizing it!

Find out if you have already started to channel without recognizing it!

How many of these 7 Signs of Intuitive Channeling have you experienced?

Comment below and let me know if you've experienced any of these signs of channeling!

If you have... It absolutely means you can further develop as a channel.

Ready to take your Channeling ability to the next level?

Check Out the Channeling Course here:


Or, learn more about the 3 Types of Channeling here:    • Can You Channel? 3 Types of Channelin...  

Transcription of this video here:

"Hey, Melanie Beckler here... In this video, we're going to talk about channeling. And specifically, I have seven ways that you can recognize if you have already opened to intuitive channeling ability.

So channeling is first and foremost, speaking the messages of divine love.

We are all in every moment connected to the divine and connected to the infinite. And we have an incredible amount of support, love and guidance available in the higher realms of spirit. Channeling is when you deliberately and consciously tune into that guidance and allow it to flow through you.

You're also able to channel healing energy, creativity, as well as profound wisdom and divine light.

I've already made a video about the three types of channeling I will link to in the description if you haven't already checked that out.
Because in this video, we're going to dive into signs that you are an intuitive channel signs that you've opened to channeling intuitively with or without knowing it.

So intuitive channeling is essentially when the stream of thoughts, the message of divine guidance, the stream of divine love connects with you in the moment, and you begin to flow it intuitively often without even realizing it, because it inter mixes with your own stream of consciousness.

And really, depending on who you are what you are channeling, this is an opportunity to live in alignment more with the truth of you channeling your true divine nature, channeling your highest divine light and highest Divine Self through this living in the channeled state, which means living in alignment with the path of love with your mind clear in your heart open.

So you're clearly able to reflect the higher light of Spirit through your life. And through the words you speak and the energy you allow to flow through you.

So the seven signs that you already are intuitively channeling you already know how to channel, whether or not you realize that.
The first sign is that you find yourself flowing, speaking or writing divine guidance, messages of love, comfort, inspiration and wisdom that you haven't fully aligned with at a conscious level.

This may come about when you're talking to someone, and your stream of thought is going in one direction. And then suddenly, this divine guidance and brilliance, begins to flow through you.
And deep down you know and recognize that what you're saying or what you're writing is truth.

And yet you don't know how you know it, or perhaps even where exactly it's coming from, with discernment. And through developing your ability as a channel, you can learn to identify the source, which is really a key factor in recognizing whether that guidance is trustworthy and should be acted upon.

But at first, it is normal for it to just start flowing through. So that's the first sign that you already are channeling. It's that you've just gotten in that flow of streaming guidance for you beyond your logical comprehension..."


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