X4 Foundations: 7.10 - Irukandji, the cautious S bomber

Описание к видео X4 Foundations: 7.10 - Irukandji, the cautious S bomber

Hello everybody,

In this one, I perform one more test of the improved behavior for S bombers using ammo, using my choice for boron S bombers the Irukandji.

- like the title says, the S bombers are now cautious. There is a posibility that this behavior is more evident if the S bombers that have ONLY torpedo .launchers, not sure.
- the "fire and smoke" effect still cause a lot of waste of ammo. So, for a K, 78 torpedoes were fired, 1 Irukandji have 17 torps, 40 per wing X 17 = 680, 680/78 = 8.7, so the 40 Iru wing is good for about 9 Ks, and that number will drop a lot if the Shark encounter a xenon I.

Not so happy about the change to be honest, because base on the heavy torpedo yield, that is about 17k dmg, 28 of them would take out a xenon K. So, the "smoke and fire" effect have increase the ammo consumption by 78/28 = 2.7 times. :( Kinda mess up my solo Shark gameplay...
In comparison, with my Raptor's 60 torpedo Chimera wing, still 1 torp launcher pe fighter, 22 torpedoes per Chimera, 60 X 22 = 1.320 torps, 1.320/78 = 16.9 Ks that the wing can destroy until rearming is required. A bit better, but there is the possibility that 60 bombers will waste more than 78 torpedoes per K, or less if they still do dmg with the 4 non ammo weapon slots. I think is time to research some no ammo requiring split weapon, I think about thermal desintegrators, but my test of them in anti capital role were not satisfactory.

So, yeah...the devs managed to mess up my favorite play style. :(

About me:
I like to share my X4 Foundations experiences, some because they are really amazing, some because they are really anoying.

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