How religion affects the economy. Why are Orthodox nations poorer than Protestant or Catholic?

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Have you ever wondered why Orthodox Christian Nations lag behind in their development compared to their Western neighbors? It has been observed by scholars for a long time that the poorest countries in Europe are Orthodox ones, then followed by Catholic and the most prosperous and happiest are countries with the Protestant foundation. But why is that so? In their work, former Bulgarian finance minister Simeon Djankov and Elena Nikolova of University College London, analyzed data from over one hundred nations to study the correlation between religious background and attitudes. They concluded that Eastern Orthodox believers are less happy compared to those of Catholic and Protestant faith. They also found out that relative to Catholics, Protestants and non-believers, those of Eastern Orthodox religion have less social capital and prefer old ideas and safe jobs. Orthodoxy is associated with leftleaning political preferences and stronger support for government involvement in the economy. At the same time, compared to Orthodox adherents, Catholics and Protestants are less likely to agree that government ownership is a good thing, and Protestants are less likely to agree that getting rich can only happen at the expense of others. They also claim that the reason why communism succeeded in Eastern Europe was because of the Orthodoxy. This video review explores the reasons for such claims.
Was Weber Wrong?

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