全新知音鳥系列 All new Digi Birds - Unlock the secret songs by mobile app

Описание к видео 全新知音鳥系列 All new Digi Birds - Unlock the secret songs by mobile app

全新獨家發售 - Digi Birds 知音鳥, 當你吹口哨, 小鳥就會跟住唱出20多首歌曲! 備有獨唱及合唱模式, 仲可以配合手機app, 下載更多神秘歌曲添! 20種顏色可供選擇, 玩具"反"斗城有售!
Our New Exclusive item - Digi Birds, they can simply start singing with 20 songs & tweets by blowing the whistle! Digi Birds can sing in "solo" or "choir" mode and get additional secret songs by downloading the free mobile App! Choose your favorite Digi Birds with 20 colors at Toys R Us now!


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