Asha Elijah ~ We are one

Описание к видео Asha Elijah ~ We are one

Asha Elijah (aka Asha & Asher Quinn) sings 'We are one' from his album "O Great Spirit". CD/download here ~

I wrote this song in 2011, and finally filmed for it in 2020, during the Covid virus weirdness. It's a one-world anthem... a 'one-love one-God; one-world' song. I was wrestling with the logistical problem of trying to persuade 7 billion people to take part for free in the name of love, God and art, when a different inspiration came through. Finally then, I stopped feeling shame and guilt at my failure to organise 7 billion people for a good cause, and simply followed the higher will operating through my imagination, inspiration and intuition. I had learned how to do this between 2011-2020.

Just as we have earthly laws to guide and protect us, like 'thou shalt not kill' (which is a no-brainer) , and 'thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's ox' (which is a bit more complex... although I have to say that I aspire to being a good boy, and it's years since I coveted my neighbour's ox now), so there are cosmic laws. One set of laws for the bigger picture (cosmic law) and one for the smaller one (coveting oxen etc).

The cosmos is ordered, not chaotic, and cosmic laws prevail. They are intensely beautiful. At the time of Jesus, there were 613 earthly laws (mostly about murder and oxen) very few of which were by that time obeyed. Humanity had become very naughty and lazy. When the Jewish elders questioned Jesus about disobeying the law (by performing miracles on the sabbath for instance) he replied that love was the underlying law that held all the others together.

So LOVE is one of the great cosmic laws. There are 72, for example LOVE; UNITY; ILLUSION (Maya); KARMA; INCARNATION; RHYTHM; POLARITY; BALANCE; GIVING and so on, and of these LOVE is the greatest. The last thing Jesus said to his disciples was a new commandment (the 11th if you go with the 'Tabloid Top Ten' Moses brought back, or the 614th if you read the small print), he said simply: "Love one another".

When I wrote this song I had an instinctive feel for the laws of higher morality, because they are actually embedded within our souls if we're able to rise above the transient illusion of 'stuff' in time and space... all our temptations, ambitions, agendas, expectations and ox-coveting master-plans. But in the intervening years I've been transforming that instinct into a more conscious overview of God, love, light, life and man, and I can now see much more clearly how these cosmic laws operate, and how they love and guide us mercifully.

And because these laws are there in the spirit world, we can access them in our inner God-particle (our higher self) to raise our game, significantly. That's always been my raison d'etre anyway. The real work for a mortal human being in time and space is raising our game, for the rest we just keep busy and try to have fun in the playground whilst we learn how to grow. The achievement is in the evolution, not in our status or legacy.

So LOVE is the force that holds everything together cosmically, and this means of course higher love. It is one and same with God. The substance of God is love. This kind of love is unconditional and has no agenda or expectation attached to it. It is the impulse to give, create, share, help and provide without wishing for ANYTHING in return. This kind of love heals, repairs and renews. This is God's love for us, and can be our love for God.

Why is there suffering then? Why does your neighbour have an ox and you don't? The answer to that is that all suffering results from an imbalance in the ego... in the personal will. This disconnects us from supreme love. Then the law of karma mirrors back to us the consequences of our imbalance so that we may repair it. And along with that the law of incarnation gives us more time and space to raise our game. Rhythm, balance & polarity are cosmic laws because with our free will we can learn how to live in paradox and balance the forces of life... not simply on a spread-sheet, but through love, which dissolves all polarity. In that regard love is forgiveness... eat with your enemies, as Jesus did.

LOVE & UNITY go together. The cosmic law of unity is that ALL matter is connected, and therefore we are all ONE. God is one-ness and we come from God, so we come from one-ness. The paradox (or apparent paradox) is that there is multiplicity. So we have to look beyond the apparent to the real, and the interconnectedness of all things.

For example, the world is not Maya (illusion), it is our perception that is Maya. So we don't change the world, we change our perception. It might appear that there are different countries, because there are political or geographical borders, but actually there is no essential border. Each nation has its own archangel it's true (responsible for language, geology & mission) but it's a hierarchy going all the way to the ONE.

There is one ocean but many drops. That is how it is.


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