KovaaK's - Some LG tracking practice (May 16, 2024)

Описание к видео KovaaK's - Some LG tracking practice (May 16, 2024)

Wanted to put something a little different. For the record I'm not an "aimer", or one of those aim enthusiast who is crazy good at things aiming related and looking to be top of the leaderboards. There's way better aimers and reference videos for aiming, and at best I consider myself about average at LG tracking. However, I do want to show to a few of my duel buddiess whose LG might be slightly worse than mine what I use to practice LG tracking for Quake Champions (outside of playing QC of course).

Kovaak's does cost money, but is fairly cheap last I checked ($11.49 CAD, which is about $8.43). That's quite a strange price for a game/software.

Anyhow, for LG tracking, I just use some of the popular ones I found. There's probably better routines and playlists, but I like to keep it simple.

The three scenarios I usually use to practice tracking, as shown in this video, are:
1) CATA IC Long Strafe
2) CATA IC Fast Strafe
3) iiTzTimmy - Amphi LG 1v1 Easy

All three has their uses for me. CATA IC Long Strafe is generally chill and good for warming up hands. It's not great at reflecting different situations where LG might be used in QC, but it's good for just warming up and practicing stable, smooth aiming in a simple environment.

CATA IC Fast Strafe is where you need to use a bit of strafing to try to match the bot. Since the bot is doing really fast short strafes (with an occasional long strafe mixed in), this is more like how a decent player would try to dodge LG. By trying to match strafe, you may build habits where you aren't dodging conciously, but you also build habit to dodge all the time (because it should be harder to aim if you aren't making short strafe yourself). A bit of a double edged sword of a practice, but a nice switch of gears from CATA IC Long Strafe.

Finally the last scenario looks the most like an actual LG fight between 2 players in Quake. The bot will strafe and change directions when you hit it. It behaves kind of like the CATA IC Fast Strafe bot, but will also throw in long strafes more to make you run out of motion if you are just pivoting with wrist. You can kind of manipulate it's strafe motion, since if you do short fast strafes, it tends to do it as well.

So with these three scenarios, one can probably increase familiarity with use of LG as well as simulate a semi-realistic LG tracking battle in Quake.

Some additional takes away for tracking aim is the set up. Like posture, arm position, mouse grip, mouse sensitivity. Rather than just practicing pure reflex and muscle memory, I think finding proper and good setup is equally helpful and important. It's like that saying of "work smart, not hard" (technically doing both is probably best). However if you find the optimal positioning of your arm, and think about the tracking process (do you want to use arm, just wrist, a bit of both?), you can make the process of tracking aim a lot easier. Just some food for thought.


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