VA Disability 55 Year Old Rule

Описание к видео VA Disability 55 Year Old Rule

Tune in to learn about the VA disability 55-year rule. VA reexamines veterans with disability ratings occasionally to determine if their conditions have improved, stayed the same, or worsened. Periodic future C&P exams, which happen every 2 to 5 years, can result in a higher or lower VA rating or one that stays the same. In some situations, VA will not conduct a reevaluation of a veteran’s condition. These ratings are known as “protected ratings.”

A protected rating, broadly, is any VA disability rating that cannot be reduced or revoked by VA in the future. Examples of protected ratings include the 55-year rule, the 10-year rule, and the 20-year continuous ratings rule.

Protected VA Ratings:

VA Disability Rating Reexaminations and Reevaluations:

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