I2C on the Raspberry Pi - HOW TO use I2C with Python

Описание к видео I2C on the Raspberry Pi - HOW TO use I2C with Python

If you want to know how to set up the I2C interface of your Raspberry Pi then this video is for you! We explain how to connect and program I2C devices with your Raspberry Pi.

If you want to know more about the I2C interface, check out our blog

Here are the commands shown in the video
sudo raspi-config
i2cdetect -y 1
mkdir i2c-example && cd i2c-example
sudo python3 -m venv i2c
source i2c/bin/activate
sudo ~/i2c-example/i2c/bin/pip3 install Adafruit-Blinka
pip3 list
sudo nano i2c-example.py
python3 i2c-example.py

Check out our GitHub repository

BME68X API GitHub Repository

You can pick up the BME688 Breakout Board and your other Raspberry Pi needs at our store

The easiest way to use your BME688 Breakout Board is to use PiCockpit, our Web-Interface for the Raspberry Pi


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