AI talks @ ETUI: Algorithmic management

Описание к видео AI talks @ ETUI: Algorithmic management

The experience of reverse engineering techniques in seeing behind AI

AI Talks @ ETUI is a series of inspiring (online) conversations which focus on the different dimensions of AI - ethical, social, environmental, legal, technological - and their impact on the world of work.

Top experts from academia, civil society and online rights organizations, among others, will share their insights and knowledge about artificial intelligence, building a 360° view of how AI is disrupting and reshaping the world we live in.

Guest speakers:

Claudio Agosti, algorithm analyst, AI forensics

Claudio Agosti, a self-taught hacker and privacy advocate since 1998, has been on a remarkable journey. Along with dedicated colleagues, he co-founded GlobaLeaks, a decentralized whistleblowing platform, and the Hermes Center, an Italian NGO focused on defending digital rights. His brainchild, Tracking Exposed, is a pioneering effort to analyze algorithms and shed light on their societal impact. Through Tracking Exposed, he became an associate researcher at the University of Amsterdam, a journey funded by an ERC grant for algorithmic scrutiny. The new methods are taking companies to court, contributing to academic publications ranging from technology to social science, and generating significant media impact. Claudio works with various European and national institutions to share his expertise on digital privacy. He spends most of his time developing software, working in the emerging field of AI Forensics, and studying the techno-political damages caused by surveillance capitalism around the world.

Joanna Bronowicka, sociologist, Center for Interdisciplinary Labour Law Studies at the European University Viadrina.

Joanna Bronowicka has published on the topic of algorithmic management and resistance in the platform economy. Currently, she researches the new forms of workers organisations in the food delivery sector, tech sector and beyond. Originally from Poland, Joanna studied in the US, France and Germany, and is now based in Berlin. Since 2022, Joanna is a member of the Law-Gender-Collectivity project with other feminist scholars from law, sociology, law, anthropology and history. At Viadrina, she led a number of research projects as the head of the Center for Internet and Human Rights. Before joining Viadrina in 2015, Joanna had worked for the Ministry of Administration and Digitization in Poland, where she contributed to the development of digital policies. Joanna holds a B.A. in Social Studies from Harvard College and M.A. in Sociology with a specialization in Public Policy and Administration from Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. She also studied political science at Sciences-Po and philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris.

Moderator: Aida Ponce Del Castillo, Senior researcher @ ETUI

You can now also download HERE the ETUI report "Exercising workers rights in algorithmic management systems. Lessons learned from the Glovo-Foodinho digital labour platform case" written by Claudio Agosti, Joanna Bronowicka, Alessandro Polidoro and Gaetani Priori, and read the press release here



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