Sonic Bliss: 9 Healing Solfeggio Frequencies | Ultimate Meditation Experience | 1 Serene Hour

Описание к видео Sonic Bliss: 9 Healing Solfeggio Frequencies | Ultimate Meditation Experience | 1 Serene Hour

The Solfeggio Frequencies are a series of mystical tones believed to possess profound spiritual healing attributes. Originating from ancient Gregorian chants, these frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo through a unique pattern in the Bible, igniting interest and research into their transformative effects. Each frequency corresponds to specific human states, from repairing DNA to facilitating transformation and miracles. Thought to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, the Solfeggio Frequencies have captivated those seeking deeper meditative states and holistic well-being, becoming a cornerstone in the world of sound healing.

Open, heal, and balance all chakras

♦ 174 Hz Relief from Pain & Stress
♦ 285 Hz Rapid Tissue Regeneration and Quick Healing
♦ 396 Hz Liberation from Fear and Guilt
♦ 417 Hz Facilitating Change and Undoing Negativity
♦ 528 Hz Miracles and Transformations, DNA repair (The LOVE Frequency)
♦ 639 Hz Create Harmonious Relationships and Reconnecting
♦ 741 Hz Getting Solutions and Expressing Your True Self
♦ 852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Balance
♦ 963 Hz Pineal Gland Activator, Aura Cleansing (The God Frequency)
♦ 7.83 Hz Binaural Beats Schumann Resonance / Earth's Vibrational Frequency

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla


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