She Didn't Rebel In The 1960s & Reveals How She Saw Those Who Did

Описание к видео She Didn't Rebel In The 1960s & Reveals How She Saw Those Who Did

In 1989 when I was producing my television series on the 1960s and how baby boomers remembered their experiences back then, I was fortunate to interview 200 people expressing different points of view. Each interview subject freely expressing what they saw and how it appeared to them 20 years later. I appreciated Emmy for her ability to express how experienced politics and social life at the University of Michigan when she was a student there in 1969.

While she was not a rebel, she was an activist who helped grow a student organization, the Young Americans For Freedom, YAF, to become a movement that represented social and political conservatives. She expressed her feelings about Barry Goldwater when he ran for president in 1964 and about left-wing political activists, liberals, hippies, marijuana smokers, and other social movements taking place during that time. She describes her experience in a classroom at that time being censored (cancel culture) for bringing up subjects that the professor did not want discussed.

So much has been said about 1960s University student rebellions and I think that it is important that those with different perspectives get the chance to share how they saw things on YouTube for future generations to consider.

The University of Michigan was a hotbed of ideas during those years that included students ranging from right-wing Republican conservatives to violent political leftists. Emmy courageously openly expressed her feelings in this interview and it captures her memories 20 years after the events that she reflects on occurred.
Thank you Emmy.

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