Baroness Origins – This Russian Sensual Femme Fatale Plays Dangerous Criminals Like A Fiddle!

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Marvel’s G.I. Joe franchise gave us many, MANY memorable faces. The heroes were one of a kind, but the villains of the series often took the biggest bite of the cake. In 1982, Issue 1 of the ‘G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero’ series was released, and we first met the beautiful Baroness. If the phrase “Looks can fool” had a personification, it was her. As gorgeous and striking as the woman was, she was just as passionate – about all the wrong things! Merciless and terrifying, scaringly well-organized murders were her source of adrenaline, it seemed; making her a formidable adversary to those who fought for freedom and peace. At her best, The Baroness is flagrantly wicked and that makes her THE perfect right-hand to the Cobra Commander. This genre is not kind to femme Fatales – not very often, at least – and they lose agency, but for The Baroness that was never a problem as she never dithered in her villainous instincts.

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0:00 Intro
2:05 The Baroness: Origin And Evolution
6:14 The Baroness: ‘Gi Joe’ Movie Universe – ‘Rise Of Cobra’
11:19 The Baroness: ‘Gi Joe’ Movie Universe – Rebooted In ‘Snake Eyes’
16:05 The Baroness: ‘Gi Joe’ Animated Universe
18:37 The Baroness: What Makes Her A Villain To Watch Out For?
19:56 The Baroness Closing In


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