The Most HAUNTED Place In Indonesia 🇮🇩

Описание к видео The Most HAUNTED Place In Indonesia 🇮🇩

Today I'm checking out the most haunted place in Indonesia, the Lawang Sewu. The Lawang Sewu (building of a thousand doors) was used by the railway headquarters of the Dutch East Indies Company. After the Japanese invaded in 1942, it turned into a military headquarters for the Japanese. When the Japanese surrendered in 1945, the Indonesian army was able to take it over. It was during this time that the bloodiest battle between the Indonesian fighters and the Japanese army took place. The Indonesian army wanted the weapons from the Japanese army and the Japanese commander in Semarang didn't want to hand them over to Sudirman and Gatoh Subroto, the commanders of the Indonesian army.

Because of all the executions and torture that took place in the building, it is known to be Indonesia's most haunted place. Before it was renovated in 2008, many horror films were filmed here also.

Music in the video by Manny Marx, check him out here:

Find me on Instagram: Nick_K_Travel

Thanks for watching and stay tuned for more videos from #Semarang

Hari ini saya akan mengunjungi tempat paling angker di Indonesia, Lawang Sewu. Lawang Sewu (gedung seribu pintu) digunakan oleh kantor pusat kereta api Perusahaan Hindia Belanda. Setelah Jepang menyerbu pada tahun 1942, itu berubah menjadi markas militer bagi Jepang. Ketika Jepang menyerah pada tahun 1945, tentara Indonesia mampu mengambil alih. Pada masa inilah pertempuran paling berdarah antara pejuang Indonesia dan tentara Jepang terjadi. Tentara Indonesia menginginkan senjata dari tentara Jepang dan komandan Jepang di Semarang tidak mau menyerahkannya kepada Soedirman dan Gatoh Subroto, komandan tentara Indonesia.

Karena semua eksekusi dan penyiksaan yang terjadi di gedung itu, dikenal sebagai tempat paling angker di Indonesia. Sebelum direnovasi pada tahun 2008, banyak film horor yang difilmkan di sini juga.


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