魚池畔的實踐家 The Doer By The Fishpond | Yu-Ying Chen | TEDxZhongXi

Описание к видео 魚池畔的實踐家 The Doer By The Fishpond | Yu-Ying Chen | TEDxZhongXi

「回來不只是養魚,也在思索能為社區付出些什麼!」這句話從回鄉到現在一直都是他的動力,即使你是一個不吃魚的人,他仍滿腔熱血的與你分享理念與未來。從小在魚塭長大的他,國中時就幫忙家裡養魚,當時還抱怨漁村孩子命苦,長大後到都市繞一圈後才知道,「振興家鄉產業是肩上的使命」,八八風災後毅然決然返鄉接手。從創業初期的跌跌撞撞到獲頒百大青農,他究竟經歷了什麼?他常說他的決定就像是「青魚洄游,甩尾截流」。他不只回家,更要保住些什麼。他養的不單單是魚,他養的是一種在地文化。 "Return to my hometown is not only for fish farming, but also thinking about what we can do for the community!" Chen Yu-Ying used the knowledge related to aquaculture he learned at Pingtung Agricultural University and formed a production and sales team with his partners. He kept thinking about the plight of farmers who are unable to control the sales channels. In other sales channels or methods, he used the inspiration of the Japanese agricultural direct sales store(Chokuhan) to sell the local products of 23 individual farmers, 4 aquaculturist and 8 communities, and gave back the surplus to the community every month and hired local youths as shop assistants. He hopes more people to know the local fish species, learn how to eat fish, and promote the ‘’Three Fish Culture’’. Through the activities of eating fish, happy with fish farming, and downshifting in fishing villages, more people will directly enter the fishing village. He also committed to driving younth for hometown returning. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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