How to Blend Angora with wool using a Drum Carder

Описание к видео How to Blend Angora with wool using a Drum Carder

Have you ever had trouble carding angora wool? My first attempts at running this fine fiber through my drum carder were disastrous. It took a lot of trial and error to come up with a way that allowed the angora fiber to travel freely through the carder, and prevented from getting stuck on the licker drum. Here I share my method with you in the hopes that it will help those fiber experimenters out there who are also having carding trouble with their finer fibers. This method not only works when blending wool with angora, but will work when you're blending any fine fiber with wool. Fine fibers including but not limited to: cashmere, mohiar, silk, bamboo, rose fiber, ramie, tencel... Let your little blending heart go crazy!! :)

But most importantly, don't give up! Everyone has a slightly different way of getting things done, and you'll find yours too. If a first you don't succeed, there's always a way to fix it!! Let me help:)

This video features my Brother Drum Carder. I am not a spokesperson for the company, but I do recommend this model as it's one of the cheapest carders on the market. This video includes a quick troubleshooting portion in case you, like me, are having trouble getting the hang of your carder.

Enjoy and Happy Crafting!

This is the completed yarn hand spun from the batt we made in this video:)


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