Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in The Bahamas

Описание к видео Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in The Bahamas

Dr.Craig Dahlgren, Executive Director of The Perry Institute for Marine Science gives our first webcast on the Introduction of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in The Bahamas. This webcast is especially important viewing for those in The Bahamas who depend on a healthy ocean for their livelihood - dive stores, dive instructors, marine conservation groups, NGO's, conservation practitioners, marine scientists , captains, yacht crew, fishermen etc

It can also be used as an educational tool for teaching students about this disease.

What is SCTLD?
Why is it such a threat?
Where does SCTLD occur?
What coral species are vulnerable?
What are the signs of SCTLD?
How is it transmitted?
What causes SCTLD?
What can we do about it?

IMPORTANT AS WE TRY TO TRACK THE SPREAD: If you witness any SCTLD in The Bahamas please take photos/video and record the location (inc.GPS if possible) Report this information to [email protected]


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